Adam Christian
Web Design 1 - Professor A. Marzec
Week 3 Assignment

Rusty's Favorites

This page is about all my favorites!

  1. Favorite Color
  2. Favorite Song
  3. Favorite Movie
  4. Favorite Season
  5. Favorite Food
  6. Favorite Pokemon

Favorite Color

My all time favorite color is Gray. The reason is largely because thats the only color I can see. Human's primary colors are yellow, red, and blue and their secondary colors are orange, green, and purple. However, for dogs, our dominant colors are yellow and blue. Red, yellow and green are recognized as one color and blue and purple are recognized as another. Click here or check out this cool and informative video belowto learn more about how I see the world.

I wish I can see more colors. I think I'd like the color pink.

Favorite Song

My favorite song at the moment is Wierd Al's "Eat it". My owner plays it for me whenever I beg for food and now it's always stuck in my head. The jokes on him. He plays it to make fun of me because of my greedy nature, but I find it flattering. Check out the music video below.

Just eat it!

Favorite Movie

My favorite movie of all time is John Carney's "Begin Again". My owner loves this movie and soundtrack. He calls it his "feel good" movie and watches it in the background whenever he's working for creative inspiration. It tells the story of Dan, played by Mark Ruffalo, who is a washed up music producer. He meets Greta, played by Keira Knightley, who is a song writer that just broke up with her boyfriend, Dave, played by Adam Levine. Together, they begin to record an album around New York City, using its ambiance as their recording recording studio, forming an unlikely friendship along the way. I highly recommend it! Check out the trailer below.

Musicals are not corny...when their well written

Favorite Season

I love fall for one reason only! The best feeling in the world is having the breeze run through my fur and cools me down. After a hot NY summer, the temperature drop of the Autumn time is an amazing feeling. I love the colors, the smells, and the fall foliage. I love the holidays and how I can spend more time with my family becasue they have more days off. I also love the way the sun goes down wealier during the fall time, so that my afternoon walks feel cool and refeshing. Although this is my first fall, I think this is shaping up to be my favorite season. The video below is a funny video of people making fun of fall.

Autumn time > Summer time

Favorite Food

One thing to know about my family is that they are vegan. I'm not quite sure why, because they feed me chicken. But, they don't eat chicken, eggs, milk, cheese, or anything else that comes from animals. In hindsight, that it a good thing because at least I know they'll never eat me LOL. Anyways, my owner's favorite food, and by default mine, is mac and cheese. He was so happy when he learned how to make vegan mac and cheese. And based on the sounds he made when he was eating it, I think its safe to say he liked it. This is the recipe he followed. Check it out below.

Mac and Cheese is life!

Favorite Pokemon

My favorite pokemon is Squirtle! I mean, look how cute he is! Also, I love turtles and I love water! I also like how he becomes a huge turtle with water cannons on his back and he wears his cool sunglasses. If I can be another animal for the day, I'd be a turtle because I want to know what its like to swim under water and walk on land. I also think its cool how turtles have shells that they can go inside of when they feel threatened or scared. Imagine having a portable home on your back!


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